All Saints’
Episcopal Church

Embracing God's Love and Passing It On
Liturgical Style
All Saints’ Church worships according to Holy Eucharist Rite II with occasional Lenten use of Rite I. We sing (rather than recite) the Gloria in Excelsis, the Sanctus et Benedictus, and the Agnus Dei. We sing the Gradual hymn, a Communion Taize and a Communion hymn in addition to the Processional and Recessional hymns. Our music director leads a talented, volunteer choir that embraces and features family, friends and guests who wish to join in. She also encourages children to share their instrumental and vocal talents.

All Saints’ celebrates the Blessing of the Animals, All Saints' Day, Pentecost and other key dates with special traditions. On Palm Sunday, we process, led by a bagpiper, through our local streets. Different clergy have shared special practices that have been readily embraced (such as costumed children’s sermons or the collection and reading of hand-written Prayers of the People). The Parish has responded favorably and with flexibility to liturgical innovation. One initiative that everyone loves is crossing the aisle for the Passing of the Peace, that moment when we celebrate our common life.
The sermon has become a true centerpiece of our liturgy. The congregation deeply appreciates the opportunity to make connections from the Gospel to church history, world history, current events and our own human struggles and aspirations.
All Saints’ has made important updates to our worship space to freshen its look, extend hospitality to visitors and provide more flexible space for concerts and other uses. We painted the interior of the church, removed old carpeting to reveal the original floors, installed new overhead lighting; re-carpeted the Chancel

and removed the Altar Rail (we now stand at Communion). We reconfigured our pews to increase leg room and gathering space, and to accommodate more comfortably those parishioners using wheelchairs and walkers. We retained kneeling cushions for those who wish to use them.
Overall, All Saints' Sunday morning services combine ritual, a wide range of musical expression and thought-provoking sermons to create meaningful worship.